Aggravated Relational Aggression Using Police Perpetrated Violence Headline Animator

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Channeling Young Adults

Herald and News: (Sept 12, 2007) How Can We Channel More Young Adults In This Area Into Vocations Before Drugs and Alcohol Rob Them Of Their Ability To Get Hired.

Let the youth bone each other to death like the couple next door to my studio apartment at 2660 Shasta Way #4. If the woman is quiet, the man will want to ram his boner until she squeals. Straight people are so violent.

If you have a post-trauma disorder from being arbitrarily arrested and harassed by cops, don't call 911 because when you tell them NOT TO CONTACT you, they will. This of course causes retaliation and YOU can be prosecuted for disorderly conduct when having to confront the PIGS OF SOCIETY.

Let the youth O.D. on drugs and alcohol. Let the youth break their necks on skate boards. Let other families know what it is like to be abandoned by the U.S. Government, their People, and their Jews. Then, maybe then God will replenish the earth with decent, reasonable, and considerate people.

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